The Best No Cook Playdough...

I have worked for many years with young children and they just love playdough !.. and i have to admit so do i! Its great for little hands to build fine motor skills and strength, and also to promote creativity.

But the annoying thing for me is i have always struggled to get it right! I follow a recipe with the children and it turns out different every time. Sometimes too wet, sometimes to dry.. or i turn the children's hands a variety of colours with far too much food colouring! 

The children do not mind at all, they are always happy. They play with and enjoy whatever the outcome.

But.....i have now found a recipe i love and no cooking too....yay! This means the children do not have to wait for it to cook, its not scalding hot when its done and they don't have to wait for it to cool down for ages.

This recipe was found on The Imagination Tree..

Best Ever No-Cook Play Dough Recipe! - The Imagination Tree

Give it try with the children and see how it goes, but i think you will not be disappointed ! 



  • Mix the flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil in a large mixing bowl
  • Add food colouring TO the boiling water then into the dry ingredients
  • Stir continuously until it becomes a sticky, combined dough
  • Add the glycerine (optional)
  • Allow it to cool down then take it out of the bowl and knead it vigorously for a couple of minutes until all of the stickiness has gone. * This is the most important part of the process, so keep at it until it’s the perfect consistency!*
  • If it remains a little sticky then add a touch more flour until just right
