Story Telling in the Early Years ...

I love reading stories and I love books! I read to my son when he was in my tummy and have continued to do so over the years until now, he's eleven and not so keen, but we still have a house full of books which we refer to on a daily basis - they are a great way to escape the everyday and of course books are knowledge.

Story telling is a great way of coming together and sharing a love of books and stories. Its good for young children to hear lots of words, sounds, see expressions and emotions. To learn what books are, the difference between words and pictures, beginnings, middles, ends and the anticipation of what happens next. 

We should encourage a love of books and stories whether at home or in our nursery settings. Bring a story to life... make it exciting !

Here's some encouraging ideas ...

  • Get outside to story tell 
  • Listen to music and move to the story it creates
  • Tell a story with just props 
  • Tell a story in the forest 
  • Sit around the fire pit with hot chocolate and tell stories from memory
  • Tell a story with a torch in the dark 
  • Tell a story through movement (Going on a Bear Hunt) 
  • Link your small world area to a story. 
  • Hold a bedtime story night (Think Pjs, Hot chocolate, a roaring fire on the smartboard and a cosy atmosphere) 
  • Use nature to make story characters (Stickman) outside
  • Make up your own group story and retell it to an audience 
  • Make your own books up using zigzag books
  • Set up a puppet theatre role play area 
  • Invite staff in to share their favourite books 
  • Create a story telling den with a password to get in 
  • Create magic story maps wit UV pens that can only be read with a torch 
  • Use your smartboard to set different story scenes as a background 
  • Set up a shared hygge book nook in your setting with sheepskin rugs, cushions,  
  • Record the stories that children tell in play and share these with your group.  
  • Set up a stage in your provision to allow children to tell their own stories 
  • Create a special story tellers chair in provision with a wonderful hat to wear 
  • Create baskets with themed books in (Magic, Fairy Tales, Adventure stories) 
  • Hide some props from a favourite story around your provision for children to find and then retell their story. 
  • Make a display of all your favourite stories to tell
  • Visit a theatre
