Getting Outside with Babies and Toddlers .....

Getting Outdoors With Babies and Toddlers...

Below are some ideas for around the year but it's important we don't just save all our outdoor play for the sunny and warmer weather. In Scandinavia babies and toddlers go outside in almost all weather as they believe children need to grow up knowing how to cope with extreme weather conditions. Life can't just stop because of the snow or the ice...otherwise nothing would ever happen!
The important route to making outdoor learning work for all is by wearing the appropriate clothing and footwear. Waterproof suits and layers are always good.
Baby Carriers
Getting outside every day with little ones is so important on the health and the wellbeing. Why not try a baby sling or carrier. Snuggle up together and stay warm- perhaps look at special coats that can be worn over both of you or borrow a larger coat. Go for walks around your local area, the park, a famers market, the farm, down the canal or even to the zoo.
Go For Walks
Babies and toddlers don'e need over complicated activities and toys for being in nature. Just being in it with their curiosity at seeing the world for the first time is enough. Just make sure you're an interested adult who can point out the birds or the crunchy leaves underfoot or connect the feelings and words they are experiencing.
Picnic Blankets and Waterproof Sheets
Lay down a blanket or sheet and throw on there some leaves, larger rocks or pine comes to explore. Just be mindful of any choking hazards and don't feel you need to overwhelm them with too much. Holding nature and soil on the hands builds up the immune system as well!
Bring Nature Inside
Make natural mobiles to hang inside with leaves, flowers and pine cones dangling from a branch as a natural mobile.
Have snack time outside
This is great especially if you're growing vegetables or if you have a fruit tree. You can learn together about where the food the children eats comes from.
Water Play
Fill a container up and add leaves and sticks or maybe float flower heads on top or lemons. They will love exploring this with all of their senses. You could even add whisks and slotted spoons to enhance the play. Always make sure your supervising babies and toddlers around the water activity at all times.
Barefoot Learning
Check an area is free of sharp objects and then allow for the baby or toddler to explore barefoot. Doing this sensory activity is great on brain development.
Nature Treasure Baskets
Create sensory baskets for babies that are full of natural objects.
Fallen Branches
Collect some fallen branches and twigs and explore painting these using our fingers or brushes. These can then be dried and displayed in a vase on your nature shelf.
The Rain
Put your waterproofs on and go puddle jumping! Talking about how the rain and how it feels and the sounds it makes.
