Daisy Play...


I love daisies.. one of my favourite flowers! 

Here are some simple and engaging daisy-themed activities for children...


Daisy Chains

Collect fresh daisies with long stems. Make a small slit near the base of each stem using your fingernail then thread the next daisy’s stem through the slit and repeat to create a chain.

Daisy Painting

Pour a small amount of white, yellow and green paint. Show children how to dip their thumbs in white paint and press them onto paper to create daisy petals. Use a fingertip dipped in yellow paint to make the centre of each daisy. Add stalks with green.

Daisy Planting

Plant some seeds and look after them until they grow. Ox Eye daisies are a lovely alternative as they are much bigger.

Daisy Mud Pies in the Mud Kitchen

Create mud pies and buns in the mud kitchen and decorate with daisies! You could make a daisy potion.

Daisy Counting Game

Simply count your daisies on a ten frame or in a line. How many can you count?

Daisy Playdough

Add Daisies to your playdough station.
